CPL Needle Arts Club
The CPL Needle Arts Club will gather in the Community Room inside the library every Wednesday from 1-3pm! Whether you are knitting, crocheting, cross stitching, needlepointing or rug hooking, bring your project and enjoy some crafting comraderie in the library with needle artists of all ages and skill levels!
Bring your own supplies, no registration is required.
Event Registration (1 of 2)
Register yourself here and add guests on the next screen.
Registrations & Reservations
No upcoming registrations or reservations.
Event Registration (2 of 2)
Hey !
Will anyone be attending with you? Add their name(s) to your registration.
If you are registering for a kid or a teen program, please include child's name and grade level.
CPL Needle Arts Club
CPL Needle Arts Club will gather in the Community Room inside the library every Wednesday from 1-3pm! All ages, skill levels, and fiber art forms welcome!.