Inspiration From What Is-- An author event with Catherine Thomas
Local author Catherine Thomas, host of The Catherine Thomas Podcast and The Compassionate Conversation Series with Catherine Thomas, will hold an author event for her new book, Inspiration From What Is, at the CPL on Saturday, January 25th, at 1 p.m.
Awakening the Vulnerable Heart heralded the beginning of the regenerative journey from simply existing to living authentically: the transformative tale resumes in Inspiration From What Is.
Embracing stillness unveiled nature’s sageness and renewed connection with inner knowing. Life circumstances were beautifully reframed as prose, providing comfort and clarity.
Through the continuation of poetic storytelling and photography, Catherine Thomas reveals how observing life with a quiet mind and open heart creates contentment with what is rather than yearning for what was or unease about what will be.
Learn more here.
(Discounted copies of Inspiration will be available for purchase at the event)
Catherine Thomas is the author of Awakening the Vulnerable Heart and Inspiration From What Is. She also has a podcast called "The Catherine Thomas Podcast" that you can listen to on our CPL Radio YouTube page.
Link to Catherine's website:
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Inspiration From What Is-- An author event with Catherine Thomas
Local author Catherine Thomas, host of The Catherine Thomas Podcast and The Compassionate Conversation Series with Catherine Thomas, will hold an author event for her new book, Inspiration From What Is, at the CPL on Saturday, January 25th, at 1 p.m..