Afternoon Tea Book Club
Afternoon Tea Book Club featuring interesting and entertaining books with a selection of teas to try, if you'd like! Hosted by a library staff member, this is a fun social event surrounding a book discussion.
Whether you're an avid reader or simply looking to explore the world of books and meet like-minded individuals, this event is the perfect opportunity to socialize, share your love for literature, and enjoy a delightful afternoon tea. We can't wait to share the joy of reading with you!
Bring any baked treats you want to share.
This month's book: Death in the Dark Woods by Annelise Ryan.
Event Registration (1 of 2)
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Registrations & Reservations
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Event Registration (2 of 2)
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Will anyone be attending with you? Add their name(s) to your registration.
If you are registering for a kid or a teen program, please include child's name and grade level.
Afternoon Tea Book Club
Afternoon Tea Book Club meets on the third Tuesday of the month, 1-2pm. This month's book: Death in the Dark Woods by Annelise Ryan..