Lego Club
Saturday, November 11, 2023
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Lego Club is a club for kids of all ages who love working with Legos. We supply the blocks, you supply the creativity on this month's build. Spend the hour building anything you like and your creation will go on display in the Children's Room of the library.
Event Registration (1 of 2)
Register yourself here and add guests on the next screen.
Message goes here.
Registrations & Reservations
No upcoming registrations or reservations.
Event Registration (2 of 2)
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Will anyone be attending with you? Add their name(s) to your registration.
If you are registering for a kid or a teen program, please include child's name and grade level.
Event Details:
Lego Club
Saturday, November 11 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Lego Club is a club for kids of all ages who love working with Legos. We supply the blocks, you supply the creativity!.