Code of Conduct Policy


It is the policy of the Board of Trustees that patrons of the Cedarburg Public Library have the right to use Library materials and services without being unduly disturbed or impeded by other library users, and that patrons and staff have the right to a secure and congenial environment.


Any behavior that disrupts or hinders public use of the Library is prohibited.  This includes, but is not limited to, loud or boisterous behavior, verbal, sexual or physical harassment, drunkenness, running and fighting.

Seating at tables, carrels, and chairs are limited to the number of persons for whom the furniture was designed.

Smoking, chewing tobacco and vaping is not permitted in the library.  Public eating and drinking are discouraged, however, light snacks that are contained and do not create a mess may be allowed in the public area.  Food and drink are allowed when specifically approved as part of a Library program or agreed to as part of the Community Room rental agreement.  Patrons may bring drinks into the library, provided they have a lid, cap or cover.

Bicycles are not permitted in a public area or entryway.  Roller-skating and skateboarding are not permitted on library grounds.  Wagons and strollers may not be left obstructing a corridor, hallway, aisle, entry or exit.

Selling products or services, or soliciting donations, is not permitted except as part of a library-sponsored program.

Taking surveys, petitions, distributing leaflets, and other similar activities are permitted in the library only when authorized by the Library Director.

Animals (except those used to aid persons with disabilities and those used as a part of a library sponsored program) are not permitted in the library.  Animals may not be left unattended on library grounds.

Parents or other legal guardians are responsible for the behavior of their minor children in the library.

The violation of federal or state laws or local ordinances will not be permitted.    Theft, vandalism, mutilation of property are criminal offenses and may be prosecuted.  The library reserves the right to inspect all bags, briefcases, backpacks, and other such items when the staff has reason to believe this rule has been violated.  The library is not responsible for personal belongings left unattended.

Consumption of alcoholic beverages is not permitted.  Library sponsored events with alcohol need approval and may need a permit per city hall staff

Members of the public shall not enter the building unless fully clothed including shirt and footwear.

Persons whose bodily hygiene is so offensive as to impede the use of the library by the public or the provision of services by the staff shall be required to leave the building.  Repeat offenders may be subject to a ban from the library, as determined by the Library Director or staff member-in-charge.

Patrons are not allowed in non-public areas of the library unless conducting official library business or as part of a library tour.

Anyone who disregards these or other rules and regulations of the library will be asked to cease such activity and/or be excluded from the building.  Exclusion from the library by the Director or staff member-in-charge should occur as a last resort in cases of misconduct, unless the severity of misbehavior warrants immediate expulsion.  Library staff is authorized to call the police if necessary.

Adopted by the Cedarburg Joint Library Board of Trustees on February 16, 2000.

Revised by the Cedarburg Joint Library Board of Trustees on July 16, 2008.

Revised by the Cedarburg Public Library Board of Trustees on May 26, 2019.

Confidentiality of Library Records

The Cedarburg Public Library protects the privacy of library records and the confidentiality of patron use of the library as required by relevant laws. In addition, the Cedarburg Public Library Board supports the principle of freedom of inquiry for library patrons and has adopted this policy to protect against the unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of library users.

Legal requirements

The relevant Wisconsin laws concerning the confidentiality of library records are Wisconsin Statutes Section 43.30 and the Wisconsin Personal Information Practices Act (Sections 19.62 to 19.80).

Under Section 43.30, library records which indicate the identity of any individual who borrows or uses the library's documents or other materials, resources or services may only be disclosed:

  1. with the consent of the individual library user, or
  2.  by court order, or
  3.  to custodial parents or guardians of children under the age of 16, or
  4.  to persons acting within the scope of their duties in the administration of the library or library system, or
  5.  to other libraries (under certain circumstances) for interlibrary loan purposes [see ss. 43.30(2) and (3)].

Wisconsin’s Personal Information Practices Act (Sections 19.62 to 19.80) requires all state and local government organizations (including public libraries) to develop procedures to protect the privacy of personal information kept by the organization. Libraries (and all other government organizations) are required to develop rules of conduct for employees involved in collecting, maintaining, using, and providing access to personally identifiable information. Libraries are also required to ensure that employees handling such records "know their duties and responsibilities relating to protecting personal privacy, including applicable state and federal laws."

Records indicating the identity of library users include a library users name, physical image, library card number, social security number, telephone number, street address, post-office box number or 9-digit extended zip code.

Records held by the library that include personally identifiable information about library users may also contain information that must be provided to those who request that information, as required by Wisconsin’s public records law. Personally identifiable information about library users must be redacted from any records that are publicly disclosed, except as the records are disclosed under one of the four exceptions provided by Section 43.30 (see above).

Rules to be followed by library staff

  1. As required by state law, library staff may only disclose library records indicating the identity of library users under the following conditions: 
  • disclosure to staff members of the Cedarburg Public Library, and the staff of other libraries and library systems only according to written procedures that comply with the laws cited above and that are approved by the director
  • disclosure as authorized by the individual library user
  • disclosure to custodial parents or guardians of children under the age of 16 [ss.&;43.30(4)] (see below for handling of requests from custodial parents or guardians)
  • disclosure pursuant to court order (see below for handling of different types of court orders) Page 2 3/28/2023
  • if someone’s life or safety is at risk, library records may be released to appropriate; individuals or officials without a court order1

2.Library staff must refer all requests for library records and all requests for information; about library users to the library director or the library director’s designee.

3.Library staff are not allowed to share information about use of library resources and services by identified library patrons except as necessary for the performance of their job duties and in accordance with procedures approved by the library director and/or board.

Handling requests from custodial parents or guardians of children under the age of 16

Requestor must be the child’s “custodial parent,” defined as any parent other than a parent who has been denied periods of physical placement with a child under s 767.24(4). The Library staff will:

(1) request identification

(2) if the requestor is the parent or guardian listed on the child’s library record and the requestor resides at the same address, the staff may provide the requested information; otherwise, the staff will

(3) obtain a completed and signed “Request for Access to Child’s Library Record” form to help ensure that the requestor is indeed the child’s custodial parent or guardian, and that the requestor has not been denied periods of physical placement with the child under s 767.24(4).

(4) The staff may then grant the request or refer the request to the Library Director or designee.

The library staff will attempt to satisfy the request as soon as practicable and without unreasonable delay. In most cases this will be at the time of the request. If there is a question of the requester’s guardianship, the staff person may delay the request until review by the Library Director and / or Library Board. If a request is denied by the library staff, the requester can appeal in writing to the Library Board.

Normal photocopy/printing charges will be assessed to the requester for copies of records provided.

Handling of court orders

[Note: All search warrants are court orders, but not all subpoenas are court orders. Library staff may not disclose library records in response to a subpoena that is not a court order if those records indicate the identity of library users.]

If a law enforcement officer (or anyone else) brings a subpoena2 directing library staff to produce library records:

  1. Notify the library director, or if the director is not available, notify the highest-ranking staff person on duty.
  2. The library director or the highest-ranking staff person should ask the municipal attorney (or library counsel) to review the subpoena.
  3. If the subpoena has any legal defects, require that the defects be cured before records are released.
  4. If appropriate, ask legal counsel to draft a protective order to be submitted to the court keeping the requested information confidential and limiting its use to the particular case.
  5. Follow legal counsel’s advice for compliance with the subpoena.

If law enforcement officers bring a court order in the form of a search warrant3 :

  1. A search warrant is executable immediately, unlike a subpoena. The law enforcement officers may begin a search of library records as soon as they enter the library.
  2. Request that the law enforcement officers wait until the municipal attorney (or library counsel) is present before the search begins to allow counsel an opportunity to examine the search warrant and to assure that the search conforms to the terms of the search warrant. (The law enforcement officials are not required to accede to your request to delay the search.)
  3. Cooperate with the search to ensure that only the records identified in the warrant are produced and that no other users’ records are disclosed.

If FBI agents bring a court order in the form of a search warrant issued under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)4 :

  1. A search warrant is executable immediately, unlike a subpoena. The law enforcement officers may begin a search of library records as soon as they enter the library.
  2. Request that the law enforcement officers wait until the municipal attorney (or library counsel) is present before the search begins to allow counsel an opportunity to examine the search warrant and to assure that the search conforms to the terms of the search warrant. (The law enforcement officials are not required to accede to your request.)
  3. Cooperate with the search to ensure that only the records identified in the warrant are produced and that no other users’ records are disclosed.
  4. It is illegal to disclose to any other person (other than those persons necessary to produce the tangible things sought in the warrant) that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has sought or obtained records or other items under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

Adopted by the Cedarburg Joint Library Board November 16, 2000
Revised by the Cedarburg Public Library Board of Trustees March 22, 2023

Unattended or Unaccompanied Children Policy


This policy describes the responsibilities of caregivers for children in the library and the staff’s role with respect to unattended or unaccompanied children. The goal is to ensure the safety and well-being of children and promote the constructive use of the library.


I. Responsibility for the welfare and behavior of children using the library rests solely with the parent, guardian or responsible caregiver.  While in the Library, parents and caregivers must monitor and regulate the behavior of their children. While Library staff will respond to children with care and concern, staff cannot supervise unattended children and do not provide child care.

II. Unattended Children

The library will adhere to these guidelines concerning the care and behavior of children in the library:

  • Children under the age of ten (10) may not be left alone in the library and must be supervised by a parent or caregiver who is in the immediate vicinity and has visual contact with the child.   When children under age 10 are attending Library programs, parents or caregivers are expected to remain in the library.
  • If a child under the age of ten (10) is found unattended, Library staff will attempt to locate the parent or caregiver within the library and inform him/her of the Unattended Children Policy. In the event that the parent or caregiver cannot be found, the Cedarburg Police Department will be contacted by Library staff.
  • Children between the ages of ten (10) and thirteen (13) may be left unattended for a maximum of two (2) hours, provided they behave with the guidelines of the Library’s Code of Conduct.
  • Children ages ten (10) and over who are unattended must be using Library materials and/or resources or using the library for school-related work. If the child’s behavior is disruptive, he/she will be given the option to call caregivers for a ride home.

III. Closing Time

It is the responsibility of parents or caregivers to make sure their children have transportation to and from the library. When an unattended child is left at the library at closing time without transportation, Library staff will attempt to contact the parents or caregivers of the child. If contact is not made, Library staff will contact the Cedarburg Police Department. In any situation when the Cedarburg Police Department is contacted, staff will complete an Incident Report. Under no circumstances will a child be taken out of the building by a staff person.

This policy replaces any previous policy regarding unattended children.

February 16, 2000

Adopted by the Joint Library Board 2014

Adopted by the Cedarburg Public Library Board

Revised and adopted by the Cedarburg Public Library Board

Unaccompanied Adults in the Youth Services Department

Use of the Youth Services Department is intended for children, teens through age 18 and their parents or caregivers.  Adults who are not accompanied by youth may use the department for retrieving materials only.  Adults unaccompanied by a child may not use the children’s restroom or use the children’s area to loiter.  Adults using the department for any other purpose will be asked to move to another area of the Library.

Approved by the Cedarburg Public Library Board
August 22, 2014