Genealogy Club
There is a daytime and evening session each month that will cover the same topic. Feel free to attend one or both!
Day: Second Thursday of each month at 1-2 pm.
Evening: Third Tuesday of the month from 6:30-7:30 pm.
About the Instructors:
Randy Ray is a 40-year veteran of genealogy research, volunteer at the Family History Center in Milwaukee, and a volunteer at the Ozaukee County Historical Society. Randy also teaches at the Milwaukee Personal Ancestral group and volunteers with the Weyenberg Library Genealogy Group in Mequon.
Linda Keller is a seasoned researcher and organizer along with volunteering at OCHS and the Weyenberg Genealogy Group.
Event Registration (1 of 2)
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Registrations & Reservations
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Event Registration (2 of 2)
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If you are registering for a kid or a teen program, please include child's name and grade level.
Genealogy Club
All are welcome to CPL's new Genealogy Club! Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned genealogist, join Randy Ray and Linda Keller in learning more about strategies and techniques for tracing your roots! Each month a new topic will be presented followed by time for questions and research assistance. Bring your own devices or borrow a laptop from the library. Participation is free and no sign up is required..